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"A very nice piece of radio indeed" Jay Rayner Masterchef/ Guardian 

"One of the most comprehensive interviews on the breadth of my practice and the research and reasoning behind it" Karen Donnellan, visual and sound artist, and energy worker.


"Had a wonderful time being interviewed by Louise, and the result of the interview was great. Louise is a knowledgeable, well-informed and interested journalist!" João Pedro Oliveira, Corwin Endowed Chair in Composition for the University of California at Santa Barbara



The Dawn of MIDI | Culture File part 1&2






Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) celebrated its 40th birthday this year, but the ideas behind the music making technology have millennia deep roots. (1/2)


Composer and technologist, Jeff Rona on the bedroom music revolution that the arrival of MIDI sparked. (2/2)


Lou's two part Culture File about MIDI features an interview with Jeff Rona, a music box symphony and her song Sabai. It aired on RTE Lyric FM in December 2023. tune-in via the linktree 


NAMM first public display of MIDI.JPG
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